Industrial Associations in Tanger Med Industrial Platform

The Tanger Med Community is made up of port, logistics, and industrial partners, as well as administrations, professional associations, and employees.

Two associations take place in Tanger Med Industrial Platform:

  • Association of Tanger Automotive City industrials (AITAC) ;
  • Association of Tanger Free Zone industrials (AIZFT). These associations include full and honorary members, natural or legal persons who own a land / lease warehouses in the Tanger Free Zone or Tanger Automotive City ;
  • Share investors’ opinion with Tanger Med Zones regarding the development and management of the area on matters of common interest ;
  • Defend the interests of investors in the zones ;
  • Contribute to the improvement of the economic and social situation of employees in the common areas of the zones ;
  • Represent its members on discussions with Tanger Med Zones, local authorities, communities, public authorities, and in general, all administrations and all third parties ;
  • Take legal action both by asking and defending ;
  • Purchase, rent, own, and administer:
    • Any subsidies, donations, and contributions from its members ;
    • Premises and equipment at the administration of the association and its members’ meetings ;
    • Buildings strictly necessary for the accomplishment of its goals .
  • Organize directly or through third parties all training activities: seminars, conferences, debates,etc ;
  • Join all federative organizations having the same or a similar purpose, both nationally and internationally .

Tanger Med success stories

Tanger Med Industrial Platform is home to more than 1000 investors. Each year, it welcomes new projects that will grow and expand over new markets.

tanger med platform